
Interact launches Ctrl+i podcast

Interact launches Ctrl+i podcast

The year 2022 started with news on Interact platforms, with the premiere of the Ctrl+i podcast. Focused on new technologies, behind the scenes and market news, the project will be aired monthly and will bring special guests to debate the themes of each program. The first edition debuted on January 10, with the participation of Renata Lopes, from the consulting company Tecnologia Humana.

Mediated by Vinícius Flores, the chat covered IT Governance, LGPD adherence in Brazil, the importance of the human factor in a digitized world and many other subjects.

The first episode was inspired by the “Semana LGPD em foco”, an online immersion held in 2021, which addressed the main aspects related to the General Data Protection Law. The material is available on Interact’s Youtube.

Even after a year of the event, Renata says that many companies still have not adapted to the new rules. “We realize with the people who come to us that there are many companies that have not yet started their adaptation project (the LGPD). In other words, they are very late. Whether it’s because the pandemic ended up taking a part of their revenue from this business, then they have no way to invest. Or because they believe that the law will not catch on and that they will have time”.

Renta also highlighted that, with the diffusion of the use of technology encouraged by the pandemic, talking about the protection and dissemination of data has become even more relevant. After all, today the volume of vulnerabilities has grown.

Curious to know more about the first episode?

Check out the Ctrl+i podcast on our platforms:

  • Spotify:
  • Youtube:
  • Coming soon on more platforms

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