Interact Solutions launches today, April 4, Interact Start, a platform for corporate governance 4.0. The new system was conceived for companies seeking to raise the management level with digital transformation. The project had two years of development.
Interact Start includes resources for managing strategies, indicators, risks, occurrences and documents. In a single platform, it also guarantees the management of personal data protection, inspired by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
The system is aimed at companies starting in the digital transformation of corporate governance. Compared to Interact Suite SA, it includes several modules and components with limited functionality and optimized resource consumption.
Contracting takes place in the leasing format, with two modes of acquisition: one with three users and the other with five simultaneous users. Training is carried out by Interact Academy, Interact Solutions’ training platform.
Interact Start includes resources for managing strategies, indicators, risks, occurrences, documents and data protection.
Two decades of digital transformation
Interact is a software company from Brazil that is transforming how companies are managed. Since 1999, the company has offered solutions for corporate governance with Interact Suite SA, a cloud-based software.
With Interact Start, it becomes part of a select group in the technology area that offers solutions for companies of all sizes. The system is hosted in the cloud from Microsoft’s Azure. The servers are located in the United States, with strict data protection.
Interact has five of the six best Brazilian hospitals in the world as clients. In Brazil, there are 28 of the 100 best hospitals, according to the North American magazine Newsweek.
Excellence in management
The system drives the results of hundreds of companies in Brazil and abroad. Currently, five of the six best Brazilian hospitals worldwide are company customers. In Brazil, it has 28 of the top 100 hospitals. The data are from the most recent international ranking of the North American magazine Newsweek.
Interact is a reference in hospital quality management. In Latin America, there are 192 customers in the health area. Among them, approximately 41% have some certification in the quality area, such as ONA, Qmentum and Joint Commission.
Interact is also present in the agro, cooperative, construction, education, industry, public and service sectors. Its client portfolio has names such as Unimed, Ministry of Agriculture, Grupo Brasal (Coca-Cola), Mercur and Serpro.