The NGO Parceiros Voluntários, from Porto Alegre, has had an ally in its management since March. This is the SA-Service Manager module of Interact’s SA Strategic Adviser Suite. The software has enabled an effective control of services, suppliers and contracts of the institution.
According to The Parceiros Voluntários Administrative Coordinator, Nayara Bebber, the contracts were managed by Excel spreadsheets before the module was implemented. These files were saved separately, which made integrated management difficult.
“With the use of the module, it allowed us to keep all necessary information in the same place, enabling people who can access, facilitating management and making it possible to evaluate the supplier in their deliveries”, explains Nayara. For her, SA-Service Manager helps maintain a history of service quality.
Currently, Parcerios Voluntários has 74 active suppliers and more than 120 contracts registered with SA-Service Manager. Since 2013, the NGO has been working with Interact with the SA Governance Manager module, focused on the strategic and operational planning of the organization. Last year, he acquired the SA-Project Manager, which manages all stages of projects.
About parceiros voluntários
The NGO Parceiros Voluntários was founded in 1997, with recognition through the Unesco seal. Currently, it is certified as an Advisory Advisory Authority. In its history, it has a relationship with more than 2,400 civil society organizations.
Among the activities are consultancies, seminars, lectures and spaces for social participation. All courses are conducted according to the Technical, Human and Conceptual concept – THC. The NGO articulates a network that involves more than 100 cities, representing about 60% of the population of Rio Grande do Sul.
In 2014, the organization was recognized with the Dubai International Best Practices Award, created in 1995 at the United Nations International Conference. The institution was ranked 52nd among the 100 best works presented by 140 countries. Only seven Brazilian works were classified and the Parceiros Voluntários project was the only one in the Management Qualification category.
Services, contracts and suppliers
SA-Service Manager is one of the latest modules created for the SA Strategic Adviser Suite. Launched in 2017, the tool manages, monitors and evaluates three front lines in an integrated manner: services, contracts and suppliers.
In the module, the company can register and evaluate the supplier bidder. The results of this step make up the Supplier Ranking. This functionality facilitates the future search for a qualified service, based on the recorded history.
Another aspect is integrated management. In a single space, the client can manage documents required for the validation of the contract, the contract itself, in addition to financial management through releases, according to the established conditions. The tool also enables periodic performance evaluations to monitor the quality of service provision.