Human resource management (HRM) is vital to any organization. People are to business what the heart is to humans.
With the Covid-19 pandemic, we saw many companies change their working methods. One of the fundamental changes is the accelerated adoption of technology as an essential part of getting things done.
Quickly, we had to familiarize ourselves with the microphone and camera for videoconferences.
As much as they emphasize the economy, the changes were essentially human. In companies, it directly impacts human resource management.
But what is HRM?
Read the processes, procedures, and management methods applied to employees. It can either be planned or executed in an improvised way. After all, every company invariably deals with people.
Good people management aims at employees achieving their own professional goals. This ensures a thriving environment for the organization to achieve its own goals.
5P’s Integrated Model: how to ensure a good work environment in the midst of so many uncertainties
Researchers from Daffodil International University in Bangladesh proposed to reflect on this issue in relation to the Integrated 5P’s Model. It is a methodology for putting strategic planning into practice, created by Mildred Golden Pryor, Donna Anderson, Leslie Toombs, and John H. Humphreys, professors of Management at Texas A&M University.
The methodology brings together five variables:
- Purposes
- Principles
- Processes
- People
- Performance
Bringing these business disciplines together seeks to increase the effectiveness of strategic implementation. Published in the Management and Human Resource Research Journal, the article is titled:
How the pandemic transformed the management of each variable in the 5P’s Integrated Model
The researchers’ analysis is based on two assumptions:
- Organizations depend on people
- These people were affected by Covid-19
Based on this, they analyze according to the five Ps:
1 – Purpose
Speaking of the Purpose of an organization means:
- What is your intention
- What makes her who she is
- Where does she see herself in a given period
- What are your goals
- What are your goals
- What strategies do you define to achieve them
- What is your strategic planning
Read also: Five essential questions for strategic management
With the pandemic, researchers identified the following initiatives in organizations:
- Realignment of purpose with strategy
- Short and long-term change planning (priorities and business models)
- Creation of a business continuity plan
- Be more efficient by maintaining company vitals
- Changes in strategic objectives
2 – Principles
The second P of Principles, is an unfolding of the Purpose:
- Embraces corporate philosophy – corporate attitudes and values
- Guide how the organization should operate and be managed
Regarding the Principles, the references aim to change the guidelines for the activities of organizations. This variable highlights aspects such as:
- Compliance and corporate risk program
- Ethics and conduct manual
- Fundamental and inalienable values of the organization
3 – Processes
We reached the third level, Processes.
For the researchers, five main transformations were verified:
- Technological adaptation to the pandemic
- Digital transformation of processes
- Coordination of teams online
- Closer collaboration with platforms
- Reduction of operating costs
4 – People
It is the variable most impacted by the pandemic. It is also one with more transformative initiatives. Among the most common actions are:
- Develop a flexible work plan (hybrid or home office)
- Review employee compensation (meet new needs)
- Emphasis on work-life balance
- Motivation through online channels
- Emotional support to colleagues
- More participatory leadership
- Community building (virtual spaces)
- Virtual reward (not necessarily monetary)
- More outstanding contributions to knowledge management (employee as active)
- Training of managers for decision-making
5 – Performance
The last P concerns people’s Performance. In this context, the pandemic has raised:
- More asynchronous communication
- Cancellation of unnecessary meetings
- Increased control over employee activities
- Regular monitoring and reporting
- Virtual recognition and feedback system
- Individual feedback and weekly performance report
The pandemic brought about a large set of changes in companies. In particular, how we manage people. And they are a vital part of every organization.
In this article, we borrow glasses from the 5P’s Integrated Model. As we have seen, the researchers identified the transformations at each level. What stands out, undoubtedly, is the direct impact on people.
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SHIL, Mrittika; BARMAN, Rajib Chandra; ZAYED, Nurul Mohammad; SHAHI, Shahiduzzaman Khan; NELOY, Arafat Hosain. Global transition of HR Practices in Covid-19 Pandemic situation: a systematic review through 5P’s Model of HRM. Management and Human Resource Research Journal; Vol.9, No.6; June-2020.