April started with a big news for the community and Interact customers. That’s because on April 4th the software company launched a totally free platform that promises to simplify routines and optimize results. Interact Flow, as it is called, was designed based on the international BPMN standard and is available to be used anytime and anywhere.
The Interact’s tool offers a complete modeling of flows, with tips, insights and analysis of process management maturity. Because it is didactic, it allows users with an initial understanding of BPMN to those who master the practice very well to use the models to improve their work routines.
“With Interact Flow, you will be able to design your entire process architecture – from simple workflows to complex business value chain processes”, explains Lucas Bellin, Product Manager at Interact.
In addition to being free, another great advantage of the platform is that it is intuitive. With a simple drag and drop, it is possible to evaluate the performance of processes, increase the clarity of its details and gain more time to focus on strategic issues.
It is important to note that, as it is an online tool, users can access it anytime and anywhere. “Interact Flow will help you improve the quality of your work, reducing production time, eliminating bottlenecks and saving money”.
Platform advantages
In addition to all the advantages mentioned above, Interact Flow also allows:
- Carry out the maturity test in the management of your business processes;
- Import and export any flow you want, we provide support for BPMN files;
- Create an unlimited number of flows with up to 1000 elements in each project;
- Access a library with pre-assembled models to apply to your routines.
How to use Interact Flow?
To use the platform, just access the website flow.interactsolutions.com and make a brief registration. After confirmation, via e-mail, Interact Flow will be released to start the flow modeling.
The launch event
The presentation of the platform to the general public was carried out through a live, on the company’s Official Youtube. The event was divided into three moments and had the participation of the product and development manager of Interact Solutions, Lucas Bellin; international projects consultant, Iván Lasso; the International Business Manager, Fernando Estrada and the director of development at Interact Technology, Kurt Molz.
In addition to presenting the platform, the guests talked about the future of digital transformation, how companies can prepare for this new digital scenario and the step-by-step process from modeling flows to analyzing maturity in process management.